
Is it Worth it to Treat Forehead Wrinkles?

Is it Worth it to Treat Forehead Wrinkles?

For many people, treating their forehead wrinkles gives them the confidence boost they are looking for. Treating wrinkles ...
Who Performs Tear Duct Surgery?

Who Performs Tear Duct Surgery?

Tear duct surgery is performed by ophthalmologists and oculoplastic surgeons with the expertise to restore normal tear drainage. ...
How Does Skin Tightening Treatment Work?

How Does Skin Tightening Treatment Work?

CO2 fractional laser resurfacing treatment uses short, pulsed light energy to remove the outer layer of skin. Laser ...
What is the Recovery Time For Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty?

What is the Recovery Time For Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty?

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty will take 7-14 days to recover from. Mild discomfort is expected after the procedure, and ...
Is a Forehead Lift Worth it?

Is a Forehead Lift Worth it?

A forehead lift can improve patients’ vision by reducing sagging skin and improve their appearance by restoring their ...
What Are the Benefits of an Eyebrow Lift?

What Are the Benefits of an Eyebrow Lift?

An eyebrow lift can provide a more permanent solution than temporary brow lifts or other alternatives. They can ...
Do I Need Eye Bag Surgery?

Do I Need Eye Bag Surgery?

A pronounced lower eye bag are a common cosmetic issue when fat tissue or excess skin is beneath ...
Is Entropion Eye Surgery Painful?

Is Entropion Eye Surgery Painful?

Eyelid Malposition surgery is usually the only long-term solution for Entropion, although lubrication drops or ointments may temporarily ...
What Happens if Ectropion Eye is Left Untreated?

What Happens if Ectropion Eye is Left Untreated?

If Ectropion is left untreated, it can lead to severe problems, and in some cases, can even cause ...
When Should I Fix My Droopy Upper Eyelid?

When Should I Fix My Droopy Upper Eyelid?

A droopy upper eyelid can cause problems such as a reduced field of vision, cosmetic issues, or both, ...

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