What Are Wrinkles?
Over time, the appearance of the face and neck changes as we lose muscle tone, volume, and skin elasticity and wrinkles appear. Facial aging also involves the creation of static and dynamic lines that form over time by muscular animation through our normal facial expressions.
Dynamic lines occur with muscle action, such as the deepening of wrinkles between the eyebrows when we frown. As we age, dynamic lines that only appeared with muscle action can slowly form into more permanent lines, much like ironing a fold in a shirt. Static wrinkles are wrinkles at rest, without muscle movement.
What Causes Facial Wrinkles?
Wrinkles and facial aging can be caused by sun exposure, genetics, smoking, and poor nutritional habits. These issues contribute to premature loss of collagen in the skin, leading to early formation of deep static lines along with loss of tone and volume.