Forehead Lift/Eyebrow Lift

Forehead Lift / Brow Lift

Although numerous techniques exist to lift the brow and tighten the forehead, not all are suitable options. We aim to apply the most efficient and least invasive techniques that will ensure a significant improvement and lasting effect. Advances in endoscopic surgery have allowed surgeons to modify the forehead lifting procedure in such a way as to minimize postoperative scarring and tissue disruption, so the endoscopic technique is often the procedure of choice if it is applicable.

The descent of the upper face and brow area is a frequently encountered problem in the aging face. Heavy, horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, crow’s feet and vertical lines between the eyebrows all contribute to a prematurely aged appearance. As with upper eyelid drooping (ptosis), brow ptosis may also cause individuals to look tired or angry.

What is a Forehead/Brow Lift?

The goal of an endoscopic forehead lift is to elevate the brow, reduce horizontal lines on the forehead, reduce vertical lines between the brows, and leave the patient with smoother skin and a younger, refreshed appearance. It is not uncommon to perform this procedure in concert with blepharoplasty to achieve the best surgical outcome and aesthetic appearance. A direct brow lift may be the procedure of choice if the goal is only to lift the brow to improve visual function. The procedure lifts the entire brow and the contour of the brow can be altered by varying the amount of skin excised.

Ideal Candidates for a Forehead / Brow Lift

If you have friends and colleagues continually asking you if you’re tired, sad, or angry, this may mean your brows are sagging to the degree that they are not only making you look older, but also tired and unhappy. As our skin and the underlying muscle on our forehead relaxes and sags, a forehead/brow lift is really the only way to reverse the trend and bring the brows back up. Dermal fillers and Botox can provide a temporary brow lift, but to achieve more permanent results, surgery would be the way to go.

Things to Consider

Preparing for the Lift

Rest assured that the surgeon will do everything possible to make sure that your surgery is as comfortable and as easy for you as possible.

There are no special preparations needed for this procedure. Preparation is the same as with any surgery — avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and other supplements because they can increase bleeding and post-procedure bruising. Stop smoking. You’ll need to arrange for a friend to drive you to and from your surgery. That friend should also stay with you overnight for that first night.

Potential Risks of a Forehead / Brow Lift

Specific to this procedure, patients may lose their hair around the incision locations, their hairline may elevate, there can be facial nerve injury, numbness in skin sensation, and itching around the incision sites.

Other possible surgery risks include:

  • Poor wound healing
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Infection and bleeding
  • Possible blood clots
  • Risks associated with surgery (anesthesia reaction)

Operation Duration

1-2 Hours

Anesthesia Use

Local Anesthesia with Sedation

Recovery Duration

10-14 Days

Insurance Covered


Recovery From a Forehead / Brow Lift

This surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so you will go home the same day.

  • There is minimal pain after the procedure; however, analgesics (pain medication) will be provided at the surgeon’s discretion.
  • You will have swelling and bruising along with numbness in the affected area for the first few days.
  • Ice packs are recommended for the first two days while bending and heavy lifting should be minimized.

Most patients can return to work after 3-5 days. Your physician will also provide detailed post surgical instructions.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are ready to schedule a consultation, contact one of our Michigan locations and a staff member will reply shortly.

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