Blocked tear ducts happen when the tear system is blocked, preventing tears from draining properly. If it is not treated, this can lead to watery eyes, irritation, and infection in your eyes or nose. Blocked tear ducts can be overwhelming, but at EyelidPros, our professional team is here to help. Our team will address any issues and find the best solution for you.
How Can I Prepare For Blocked Tear Ducts Treatment?
Preparing for blocked tear duct treatment can be overwhelming, but it can become more manageable with the proper consultation. At EyelidPros, our professionals will discuss the treatment, ensuring you understand the procedure. We will provide a personalized plan that focuses on your needs and answer any questions you may have to guarantee you feel comfortable and confident in your care. Our goal is to create a stress-free treatment while delivering the best results.
Tips For Preventing Blocked Tear Ducts
If you want to prevent blocked tear ducts, maintaining clean eye hygiene is essential. By avoiding touching your hands, you can prevent bacteria from entering your eyes and causing serious issues. Additionally, by regularly cleaning your face, you can maintain good hygiene by keeping your eyes safe from oil and dirt. Regular check-ups are crucial to ensure there are no underlying issues of blockages. If a blockage is detected, an eye surgeon can recommend treatments to address the problem.
Blocked Tear Ducts at EyelidPros
Are you in Troy, MI, Flint, MI, Ann Arbor, MI, or the surrounding areas suffering from blocked tear ducts? Rest assured that the board-certified physicians and surgeons at EyelidPros are here to assist you. Our doctors bring a level of expertise and experience that is unparalleled. Our physicians are renowned for their award-winning ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery. The treatment process at EyelidPros involves a comprehensive evaluation, a personalized treatment plan, and post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery. To learn more about us or to schedule a consultation, reach out to us online today or call one of our Michigan locations, and a staff member will respond promptly.