Wrinkles On Forehead In Southfield MI

Wrinkles on Forehead in Southfield Mi - Consultants in Ophthalmic and Facial Plastic Surgery

Wrinkles on the forehead can make you look older, and affect your self-confidence, but there are many treatments and preventative measures you can take to reduce the amount of wrinkles you have. Treatments can be both long-term and short-term, but for long-term solutions, it is best to consult with a doctor to find the best plan that will achieve your desired outcome.

Causes And Treatments For Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are commonly caused by smoking, excess sun exposure, genetics, aging, and repetitive facial expressions. There are many different types of treatments for wrinkles such as facial creams, antioxidants, chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser therapies, fillers, botox, and a surgical option is a forehead lift. Most of these treatments are temporary and require regular maintenance or constant touch-ups. A forehead lift can be a more long-term option but still has risks just like any other surgery. It is best to consult with your doctor to develop the best care plan in order to get the results you want.

What Is A Forehead Lift?

A forehead lift is a great option for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes, eyebrows, and forehead. Excess saggy skin is removed, and you are left with tighter skin and toner muscles. A forehead lift can dramatically improve your facial appearance and give you a youthful, refreshed look. The procedure typically takes one to two hours to complete and will require up to two weeks of recovery time. A small incision is made in the middle of the forehead to remove any excess saggy skin and tighten all areas needed. Your skin will be much smoother and enhance your appearance.

Wrinkles On Forehead At Eyelid Pro In Southfield MI

Are you interested in getting rid of the wrinkles on your forehead? Eyelid Pros in Southfield MI can offer you a great solution provided by our skilled doctors, which is a forehead lift. This will improve your overall facial appearance and give you a refreshed look. Our licensed, trained, and certified ophthalmic doctors and facial plastic surgeons focus on giving each of our patients excellent clinical care, and the utmost professional customer service. To learn more about how to get rid of the wrinkles on your forehead call us at (248) 357-5100 or contact us online today!

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