What Happens if Ectropion Eye is Left Untreated?

What Happens if Ectropion Eye is Left Untreated?

If Ectropion is left untreated, it can lead to severe problems, and in some cases, can even cause blindness. Certain types of Ectropion turn the eyelid outward, exposing the cornea and causing it to develop sores. It will prevent proper drainage of tears and can lead to permanent vision damage if not treated. Leaving Ectropion untreated can cause severe discomfort, chronic infections, and excessive mucus and tear production.

What is the Recovery Time For Ectropion Eye Surgery?

Eyelid Malposition Treatment is a surgical treatment that provides a long-term solution for Ectropion. The recovery duration is 7-14 days, and lubrication drops or ointment may be provided before the procedure to provide temporary relief. Eyelid Reconstruction may be necessary to release the muscle causing the problem. The recovery duration is 10-14 days for bruising and inflammation to subside entirely, and patients may need to wear an eyepatch for 24 hours after surgery.

Ectropion Eye at EyelidPros

Are you suffering from Ectropion in Flint, MI, Novi, MI, Southgate, MI, or the surrounding areas? If so, the board-certified physicians at EyelidPros can help you. We provide compassionate and comprehensive medical and surgical care for the delicate areas around the eyes. The talented team at EyelidPros is board-certified and dedicated to helping our patients achieve the naturally beautiful look they deserve. If you are ready to schedule a consultation or are interested in learning more about us, contact one of our Michigan locations, and a staff member will reply shortly.

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