Top Eyelid Drooping In Rochester Hills MI

Top Eyelid Drooping in Rochester Hills Mi - Consultants in Ophthalmic and Facial Plastic Surgery

Does your top eyelid drooping cause your vision to be impaired? Drooping upper eyelids, also known as Ptosis, can be repaired by surgically removing excess skin, and then reattaching it, tightening the skin, and strengthening the muscle. You should discuss with your doctor to find the best treatment for this diagnosis based on your current health condition.

What Are The Symptoms Of Top Eyelid Drooping?

Common symptoms of Ptosis include upper eyelid sagging causing a block in vision, or extremely dry or watery eyes that make your face look weary or tired. Often with Ptosis, when trying to look forward, have a conversation, or even walk you may have to tilt your head back in order to see correctly, because your eyelid may be blocking the view. A doctor should be able to diagnose you after a full examination and read of previous medical history, this can help determine which treatment plan will be best for you as well.

How Can Top Eyelid Drooping Be Treated?

Long-term treatment for Ptosis is a surgery that is completed within one hour. This procedure consists of the doctor placing small incisions, and lifting the eyelid into the correct position. This will eliminate any excess skin and tighten the musical tissue around the eye. This is an outpatient procedure that uses local anesthesia and will require 7 to 10 days to recover. Bruising and swelling can occur during the recovery period, but should not last long. Ptosis repair will give you a refreshed look, making you look and feel more youthful.

Top Eyelid Drooping At Eyelid Pro In Rochester Hills MI

If your vision is impaired by your top eyelid drooping, Eyelid Pros in Rochester Hills MI has skilled doctors that can perform a Ptosis repair to improve your vision and overall facial appearance. Our office has licensed, trained, and certified ophthalmic doctors and facial plastic surgeons that are focused on giving you the best clinical care, and the utmost professional customer service. We will listen to your concerns and provide you with the best solution to accommodate your healthcare needs. To learn more about top eyelid drooping repairs call us at (248) 357-5100 or contact us online today!

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