Forehead Lift In Livonia MI

Forehead Lift in Livonia Mi - Consultants in Ophthalmic and Facial Plastic Surgery

Do you have sagging or wrinkly skin on your forehead? If so, a forehead lift may be a great solution for getting rid of all the wrinkles, and tightening your skin, leaving you with younger and healthier-looking skin. This cosmetic procedure will give you a refreshed look, leaving you more confident than ever.

What Is A Forehead Lift?

A forehead lift is a cosmetic procedure that lifts any sagging skin around the forehead, brows, and eyes. This procedure is done by placing small incisions in the middle of the forehead and removing excess skin, leaving you with tighter skin and toner muscles. The procedure will improve your facial appearance greatly, leaving you with a more youthful look. A forehead lift can be done using a variety of techniques, which is why you should discuss with your doctor which option is best to meet your desired results.

Forehead Lift Procedure

The forehead lift procedure is a cosmetic procedure that is not covered by insurance. It typically takes one to two hours to complete and may require up to two weeks of recovery time. This procedure will remove any excess saggy skin by placing an incision mid-forehead and tighten all areas needed. It will leave you with much smoother skin and enhance your appearance. Some risks to discuss with your doctor include hair loss at the incision site, elevated hairline, numbness in the skin, and itching around the incision site. Other major risks that can happen, just like with any surgical procedure, are loss of blood, infection, and a negative reaction to anesthesia. All concerns should be addressed before proceeding with this procedure to ensure it is the best option for you.

Forehead Lift At Eyelid Pro In Livonia MI

If you or someone you know is interested in getting rid of saggy or wrinkly skin on their forehead, Eyelid pros in Livonia MI can offer you a great solution by doing a forehead lift procedure. This will improve your overall facial appearance and give you a refreshed look. Our licensed, trained, and certified ophthalmic doctors and facial plastic surgeons focus on giving each of our patients excellent clinical care, and the utmost professional customer service. To learn more about the forehead lift procedure call us at (248) 357-5100 or contact us online today!

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