What is Thyroid Eye Disease (Graves' Disease)?
Not all people with thyroid disease have problems with their eyes. It is a common enough problem, however, that many people have expressed a desire to have more information about how their thyroid condition is related to their eye problems and what can be done about it. The eye changes associated with thyroid disease are referred to as Thyroid Related Orbitopathy (TRO). Although TRO is seen in all types of thyroid disorders, it is most common in patients that are or were hyperthyroid. TRO occurs in about 1 out of 20 people that are hyperthyroid. It can also rarely occur in those who are hypothyroid and even when there is an absence of thyroid abnormalities in the body.
Thyroid disease can cause many different eye problems. These include redness and swelling, double vision, decreased vision, eyelid retraction and a protrusion of the eye itself. It is important to realize that if one of these occurs, that it does not mean others will occur. Eye problems will usually occur and frequently change in type or severity for between 6 months and 2 years. Once stabilized, it is unusual for the eyes to start changing again. In some patients the eyes return to normal. Others are left with some type of permanent changes. A great deal can be done to improve these problems, but this may require surgery.
For More Thyroid Eye Disease Information
Please visit our dedicated site for Graves' Disease resources.